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Letter: Child Labor An Inescapable Reality

Young children undertake laborious work rather than study, due to poverty. Growing inflation has compelled people to send their young children to work for very low paying jobs. Unfortunately a little has been done to alleviate the issue except observing a solidarity day named “Child Labor Day” on 12th June every year.

Like all problems this can be addressed by joint efforts at both at public and private levels. NGOs and Civil Society organizations have pivotal role to play. On the part of government integrated comprehensive policy vis-a-vis implementation is dire need of the time. Stipend oriented vocational training should be imparted to these children along with free education which can be very helpful in addressing this issue.

Abdul Muheet Zaid Abro- Naseerabad

Published in The Balochistan Point on April 18, 2015

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article are those of the author and The Balochistan Point not necessarily agrees with them.

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