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Kalat: PPHI conducts free Medical Camps after Massive snow fall

Kalat: After massive snow fall in Kalat and the adjoining areas  the Chief Executive officer PPHI Balochistan Mr. Rashid Razzaq directed to provide maximum health care facilities, free ambulance service, and supply free medicines to the pathetic communities of far-flung areas of the restive areas on urgent basis.

Following the direction of Mr. Rashid Razzaq the District Support Manager PPHI Kalat Mr. Mujeeb Baloch along with his teams rushed to the sites that were severely affected by the recent massive snowfall and for more than couple of days emergency operations were carried out to reach the areas.

 Talking with Balochistan Point Mujeeb Baloch said, “DSM Kalat by the day when Snow fall predictions were there our team distributed more than Rs.30, 000/ to each BHU  and the 14 ambulances Of PPHI were on red alert.”

 “Under CEO Mr. Rashid Razzaq special directions PPHI is mandated to give relief to the far flung clusters of Kalat, which have faced massive snowfall where ,” Mujeeb Baloch added.

Mujeeb Baloch said that they had provided health facilities in the areas where link roads were chocked and the patients of remote areas were facing severe problems.

 “To facilitate the poor masses our teams included doctors, paramedics, ambulances, medicines and other emergency items to arrange free medical camps in the affected areas. Respectively PPHI arranged and conducted special Medical camps at different areas of Kalat and Khaliq Abad Mangocher. ” Mujeeb Baloch added.

DSM Kalat informed that more than 1002 patients were given free medication and worth 3 Lac medicines were distributed to the poor freely. 

Staff Reporter

Published in The Balochistan Point on January 20, 2017



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