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Poor Baloch and rich Balochistan

By: Khadija Kurd

No doubt, Balochistan is the most neglected and remote region of Pakistan but it is rich in its natural resources and beauty. Almost Balochistan has 556 resources but still Baloch are poor because, these resources are taken from the Baloches and given others. Today Baloch are backward in the field of education and waiting for sun to rise.

The prospering world is unknown to Baloch. This is the present condition of Baloch. Baloch are poor but their ideas are rich. Today Baloch are doctors, engineers, pilot, C.S.S officers and many more. They are on high ranks job and participation in competitive exams like PMS, CSS and PCSwith their rich by their ideas.

The deprived people of rich land have been kept intentionally deprived of their basic amenities. In past none of the government had paid sincere attention to bring prosperity and never won the hearts and minds of its people but rather continued the exploitation of its natural resources to say the least.

It is being said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will do no wonders to its people as it is the Punjab that gets the line shares and will be benefited from it. But the situation will remain same to its poor inhabitants. The people of Gwadar lack drinking water facility which is requirement to live but government fails to provide it.

Baloch also deserve a proper respect and place in a society. They also deserve a country to call it their homeland. Why the Baloch are not acquiring their fundamental rights and why they are pushing us backwardness in Pakistan

Published in The Balochistan Point on December 14, 2016

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