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CM Balochistan meets Consul General of Japan Mr. Akira Ouchi

QUETTA: Chief Minister Balochistan, Dr Abdul Malik has said that Japan always supported and helped Pakistan on all crucial occasions. “Japan is playing a vital role for the welfare of masses and improvement of different social sectors,” he said, adding that we hope Japan would continue to play its essential role in development of education, health and other sectors.

He expressed these views in a meeting with Consul General of Japan Mr. Akira Ouchi who called on him here the other day.

Chief Minister Balochistan told Japanese envoy that Balochistan is lagging behind in education, health and technical education as compared to other provinces of the country. “We will welcome any support on the part of Japan to improve education, health and other social sectors of Balochistan,” he added.

Dr Abdul Malik Baloch said that re-tender for dredging of Pasni Fish Harbor has been sought from the Japanese grant and work on this project would soon be expedited which would yield results.

He said government is focusing on improvement of education sector and asked Japan to cooperate in offering P.hD scholarships to teachers of universities of Balochistan, adding we would welcome any support on the part of Japan for up-gradation of universities and educational institutions.

He said in order to bolster the economy of Balochistan construction of dams, improvement of road networks, agriculture and livestock is inevitable and friend countries could play an important role in this connection.
Highlighting the importance of Gwadar Port, CM Balochistan said Gwadar Port provides nearest routs for China and Central Asian counties as it is the gateway to central Asia.

On the occasion, Mr. Akira Ouchi Japanese diplomat assured Chief Minister Balochistan that Japan is interested to extend cooperation in education, health and fisheries sectors in the province.

By Staff Reporter

Published in the Balochistan Point on April 25, 2014

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