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NADRA reveals list of ghost employees in Balochistan

QUETTA: National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has revealed that some 28,367 ghost employees are working in various departments of the Balochistan government and getting salaries.

Talking to media, spokesperson of Balochistan government Anwarul Haq Kakar said that it was initiative of the government itself to approach NADRA to trace ghost employees.

He said that it was a criminal act and the government would make efforts to book all ghost employees and their facilitators.   “The process has been initiated with the intention to save national kitty from further loss after identification of these ghost employees.” He added.

He hinted to conduct operation against them after their identification.

According to details, the provincial government has provided NADRA with the lists of these 250,000 employees after receiving a number of complaints against them.

NADRA has informed Baluchistan officials that names and CNICs of more than 28,000 employees could not be verified.

Web Desk

 Published in The Balochistan Point on June 20, 2017

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