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Panjgur International Airport VOR system torched

PANJGUR: Unidentified men destroyed VOR system at Punjgur International Airport and abducted two police men on duty, Media reported,

According to the details unidentified armed men destroyed VOR system at Punjgur International Airport and abducted two police men on duty, VOR system is used for controlling international flights. International air trafficking was badly affected due to destruction of VOR.

Police told that armed men attacked VOR system at the Punjur international airport and burnt its machinery which was badly destroyed. while fleeing they also took two Kalashnikov, 6 magazines and walkie talkie set with them. Bomb disposal squad recovered half kilo explosive near the VOR.

Police said search for Kidnapped policemen was underway. 

Published in The Balochistan Point on January 11, 2014

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