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Resolution passed for respectable return of Khan of Kalat

QUETTA: Respectable return of Khan of Kalat was demanded in a resolution unanimously passed by Balochistan Assembly on Tuesday.

Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran, member of JUI-F, tabled the resolution which demanded the respectable return of Khan of Kalat, Mir Suleman Dawood, from exile. The resolution was unanimously supported by all members of the assembly.

Khan of Kalat can play a crucial role in bringing the situation in Balochistan back to normalcy, said Sardar Khetran.

Chief Minister, Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch said that he could do whatever He can to bring back Khan of Kalat to Balochistan.

Khan of Kalat is living in exile ever since the insurgency in Balochistan intensified in 2006 after assassination of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti.

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Published in The Balochistan Point on 30th September, 2014.

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