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Letter: Rising educational system of Baluchistan

 Referring to the letter “Dismal educational system in Baluchistan” by Tahira Shoukat Ali published on June 24th 2017, I would contribute some logical statements and appreciate her for pointing out several flaws in our education system such as; many teachers of government schools do not necessarily give duty but still get paid.

However, I can’t agree with the author that Balochistan does not have any proper educational system at all. Few years ago, ex-Chief Minister Dr.Abdul Malik Baloch, an ideological leader tried to reintegrate the broken education system of Balochsitan with Turbat university, Mekran medical college and Khuzdar’ medical college. I do understand that these institutions need time to benefit the region but before that we cannot jump to conclusions about the education system.

S.J.Mehmoody,  Kech.

Published in The Balochistan Point on July 5, 2017

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