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Letter: Violence against women

In Pakistan, women are considered the vulnerable groups with a status in society. The biggest factor behind their backwardness is lack of education whose literacy rate in overall country is 40 %. According to a report, 80539 women have been victimized including their rape murders, suicidal, acid attack and killing in the name of honor, among them 13 %were 15 years girls.

The health sector again provides critical findings because most of the women have no access to free medical sources and guidance as they even can’t be taken in hospital at the time of the emergency cases, and therefore, the ratio of mortality is increasing day by day. Some women work as housewives who don’t have the source of income. The other hand they have no right taking decision in big families.

The critical problems with the women in Pakistan is that they suffer from several violence such as mental or physical torture, discrimination and brutality from male members of their families. In multiple ways, several disturbances are occurring with women in Pakistan. Respecting the women and their rights is the moral responsibility of the social society and society members.

Therefore, women have high status according to Islam; it is must to respect women. The government especially the organizations against women violence should be serious.

Guljan Shay Abrahim, Kech

Published in the Balochistan Point on September 22, 2016

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