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Letter: CPEC and Balochistan

There are people who call China Pakistan Economic Corridor CPEC a game-changer or fate-changer but as long as Balochistan and its people are concerned, one must think about many aspects of it.

Because, the core destination of CPEC is Gwadar which is in Balochista but the whole province is being neglected when it comes to the projects, share in the 46 billion dollars, jobs, and so on.

There are several questions that the federal must answer and reservations that exist throughout the province. like, what would be the exact number of people from China and other parts of Pakistan who would arrive here? Would they not be a threat to the demographics of Balochistan and particularly Gwadar?

What would be the laws that would protect the rights of native citizens? And how the officials would deal with fishermen and working class?

It is time the provincial and federal Govts answered these questions, otherwise the resentment from the ordinary masses is inevitable.

Zafar Musyani, Khuzdar

Published in The Balochistan Pointy on November 15, 2016

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