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Letter: Irresponsible Use of Social Media in Kharan

Use of Internet and mobile technologies for interactive social networking is called social media. In Kharan some of the people are using social media tools such as twitter and Facebook as a joke. They imagine that they’re working as news editors and giving fast and free news without any charge to the people and solving the issues which are faced by the inhabitants. Actually it’s them who are the problems for inhabitants of Kharan. They share different news without confirming the news and just tweet it on their twitter accounts. Furthermore it’s my request to those social media users that they should stop irresponsible use of Social media. It will spread fear and panic and will do no good to anyone.

Tahir Malangzai – Kharan

Published in The Balochistan Point on November 1, 2015

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this letter are those of the author and Balochistan Point not necessarily agrees with them.

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