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Letter: Ongoing educational crisis in Balochistan

It is indeed a clear indication from the results of B.A, B.Sc and the recently conducted medical entrance test by HEC on 4th of February for Bolan university of health sciences and other three newly constructed medical colleges of Balochistan that education emergency in Balochistan has woefully backslided.

Last year HEC was accredited to conduct the medical entrance test by the high court of Balochistan but HEC, being an independent, autonomous and constitutionally established institution has failed to conduct a clear and transparent test for the medical colleges of Balochistan which has caused a great falling-out among the students all through Balochistan.

Students from the different regions of Balochistan have been protesting in front of Press club Quetta but grabbed no attention from the higher authorities, thus it is appealed  to the higher authorities and especially to the incumbent Chief Minister of Balochistan  to take legitimate actions against the ongoing circumstances immediately .

Abbas Ali, Turbat. 

Published in The Balochistan Point on February 7, 2018

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