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Letter: Save Our Youngsters

Recently I conducted a research in Gwadar city on petal nuts (which is commonly known as chalia). According to the results of the research, in one day 150 Dozens and in one year 55, 800 Dozens of petal nuts are sold only in Gwadar city. The same year the annual book festival was conducted by RCDC (Rural Community Development Council) in Gwadar in which books worth of Rs. 13,78000 were sold and purchased.

Every day our Rs. 21, 6000 are wasted just for petal nuts which is harmful for our health and can cause different diseases for instance; kidney stones, mouth cancer etc. According to a research available in Google 9750 people die because of mouth cancer in Pakistan. If we use the same money for the welfare of society, we will be able to see a lot of positive change. Above 25 million children are out of schools in Pakistan and on the other side only in one year we are wasting Rs. 80,35,2000 for petal nuts, if we use this money for the out of school children, we can decrease illiteracy. There are hundreds of people who suicide in one year in Pakistan due to poverty, we can also help those people by with the same money.

If we take a look in our society there are thousands of people who are using drugs we can stop it by giving awareness to our coming generations but only discussion and speeches can not solve this matter. We as member of this society can help solve this issue but the government will also have to take initiative. We request the government officials to take necessary actions to ban petal nuts and save our nation’s youngsters.

Mohammad Alim

Published in The Balochistan Point on April 30, 2018


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