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Tag Archives: Gwadar

Promoting Girls’ Rights on International Day for Girl Child

Mariyam Suleman Baloch Gwadar: Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Alumna Gwadar celebrated International Day for Girl Child by designing a workshop for 30 girls of an English Language Learning center in Gwadar with the support of iEARN Pakistan and YES Alumni Network. The workshop was divided into several sessions that included discussions, activities, quiz and presentations by the participants. During ...

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Honor Killing: An Inhumane Custom

Mariyam Suleman Baloch The unborn child, unaware of the world, was expected to come after a month to the place where he would spend all his life. He yet didn’t have a single relationship with any human except for a relationship with his mother that too was merely limited to a feeling. A feeling that linked him with his expecting ...

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Port has not made any Difference for People of Gwadar: BNP Women Wing

Mariyam Suleman Baloch Gwadar – Gwadar port has not made any difference in the lives of common people of Gwadar, said the members of Women wing of Balochistan National Party (BNP). Organizers of Women wing of BNP, who are on a visit to Makran region, conducted a press conference at the residence of Mir Hammal Kalmati, Member of Provincial Assembly ...

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Gwadar: Only Doctor and Mathematics Teacher Sent on Exchange Program

Mariyam Suleman Baloch Gwadar – Students of Sur Banden School have strongly condemned the decision to send the only mathematics teacher and doctor of Sur Banden area on a six months long exchange program to China. A delegation of students of Sur Banden School along with Mohammad Jan, General Secretary and Waheed Baloch member of central committee of Baloch Student’s ...

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Dr. Malik has failed people of Gwadar: Hammal Kalmati

Gwadar – Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) from Gwadar Mir Hammal Kalmati expressed his disappointment on the sluggish efforts of the ruling party along with Dr. Malik’s failed governance during a press conference held in Sur Banden area of Gwadar, this Tuesday. The press conference in particular was held to announce the joining of Lal Baksh, Syed Mohammed and Bibi ...

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Gwadar Port and Strategic Regional Interests – Part 3

Ayaz Ahmed This is Part-3 of three articles series on this topic. Click here to read Part-1 of this series Click here to read Part-2 of this series India also observes Gwadar port from military and realistic perspective, and is apprehensive about Chinese arrival in close proximity to its naval bases thus challenging its naval hedge in the India Ocean ...

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Ormara: 7 Passengers Dead, in Road Accident

Sami Parvez Gwadar – 7 passengers lost their lives in a deadly road accident when a bus collided with oil tanker in Ormara, on Wednesday. Bus carrying passengers was travelling to Karachi from Jiwani. According to sources, 45 passengers were wounded and they were rushed to Karachi hospitals for emergency treatment. Road accidents have increased on highways of Balochistan in ...

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Gwadar: YES Alumni Celebrated World Literacy Day

Mariyam Suleman Baloch Gwadar – Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Alumna Gwadar celebrated World literacy day workshop by designing a workshop for 20 female members of Gwadar Youth Forum (GYF). One day long extensive workshop was organized by YES Alumna Gwadar, iEARN Pakistan and a few other volunteers. “I never thought that I would learn so much in one day ...

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Gwadar Port Belongs to People of Balochistan: Dr. Malik

Khuzdar – Chief Minister (CM) of Balochistan, Dr. Malik Baloch has said that Gwadar port belongs to people of Balochistan. CM made these remarks while addressing Khuzdar Municipal Committee in Main committee hall of Khuzdar, on Sunday. “People of Balochistan have first right on coast and natural resources of this province and we will not make any compromise on this ...

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GDA School Crisis: Who is at Fault?

Adnan Aamir Gwadar – A crisis at Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) Public Higher Secondary School lingers on as opposing parties blame one another. GDA School is the largest school in the port city of Gwadar. It was established with an investment of Rs. 50 million and receives over Rs. 3 million in grant annually. Students and a group of lecturers ...

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