Quetta is naturally a beautiful valley but because of increasing population this beauty is no more maintain and it’s not possible to know the city with just few famous roads or markets but now every road, market and even Streetshave different names.
People naturally like that everyone should know them, everyone wants that the roads, markets and other areas must be on their names or on the names of their tribes, so in Quetta most of areas (roads, markets and streets) are on the names of many tribes and personalities, now those name became the idintification of those areas, but unfortunately for the competition of names everyone is running front but for caring them no.
There is no any single road, market and street where we don’t find the rubbish, even the civil hospital where citizen go for treatment of their illness same there near to main gate bulk of pollution and rubbish is,
It shows that how much we and our government is carless and omitting this issue.
So this is the responsibility of every Citizen and those leading people that in the naming competition also do the competition for caring those names too, thus our names, areas and our Quetta could look beautiful.
Javed Baloch
Published in The Balochistan Point on May 18, 2017