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Search Results for: By: Mariyam Suleman

Gwadar: Seminar Conducted on “Importance of Girls’ Education in Balochistan”

By: Zaitoon Kareem GWADAR: A two-today seminar on importance of girls education in Balochistan was organized by the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX) in Gwadar on 16th-17th September 2017. It was the first Seminar on this theme in Gwadar, where 70 teachers and students participated from different private and govt schools/colleges across the Gwadar. Some parents were also invited ...

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Online Journalism: An Innovative Approach in Balochistan

By: Yousaf Ajab Baloch While online journalism has been gaining interest of readers globally and has affected print industry in most of the European countries; interestingly, the journalists from Balochistan, the most backward province of Pakistan, have introduced this digital journalism in province. Nearly a decade ago some bloggers and journalists launched their blogs and online newspapers in Balochistn to ...

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No tangible measures by government keep Gwadar thirsty

 By: Yousaf Ajab Baloch    The demand for supplying clean and safe drinking water to the residents of Gwadar has once again increased. The dire need of water can be measured that people are compelled to block roads to protest against unpredictable power, and water supply. The Populaces in Gwadar has been demanding for water for years but the assurance ...

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Literary contribution of Ustaad Abdul Majeed Gwadari

By: Mariyam Suleman The sun sinks just under the horizon beneath the waves of Arabian Sea, touching the shore of “Padi Zir” (West Bay) of Gwadar. One’s eyes can run as far as possible through the endless ocean at one end and the promontory of Batil at the other. The moments we capture through our eyes hold hundreds of stories ...

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The notion of “Cancer ~death, no longer”, doesn’t seem acceptable in Balochistan

By: Yousaf Ajab Baloch The growing numbers of cancer patients’ along with the responsibilities of government authorities in Balochistan are also increasing the tasks of volunteers and journalists in Balochistan. Most of the patients of different ages belong to poor families who are unable to bear the cost of life saving treatment. The recent past has witnessed that volunteers and ...

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Increased Education Spending Over Five Years Failed to Change the Dismal Condition of Education in Balochistan

By: Mariyam Suleman Children in the resource rich province of Balochistan have always had low access to basic education. Despite doubling the education budget in five years, the province as a whole did not make significant improvement in educating its children. Balochistan Education Spending Doubled in Five Years In the last five years education budget spiked, yet majority of the ...

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